$173.00 USD

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The Productive Recruiter Academy

The Holistic Approach To Optimizing Recruiter Productivity

The only productivity program developed for the unique challenges of the recruiting industry.

What you'll get:

  • Learn the foundational pillars of high productivity and implement simple practices to improve your energy, focus, follow-through, and attitude. This sets you up for daily success.
  • Learn and implement principles and practices to upgrade your productivity so you accomplish more with less stress and more satisfaction.
  • Put everything you learned together to make high productivity your normal daily habit over the weeks, months, and years.
  • Transform your relationship with time and work to accomplish your goals faster and with less stress and frustration.

Money back guarantee: You have seven (7) days to review the entire course, and if you’re not satisfied, then you will receive a full refund. This provides you with ample time to review the quality and usability of the content.