We help your recruiting business earn more money with less stress

By solving the problems that get in your way

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Brad Wolff, Founder & Managing Partner, The Recruiterā€™s Coach

Meet Brad Wolff

Founder & Managing Partner, The Recruiter’s Coach

Brad helps owners and leaders of recruiting firms make more money with less stress. Brad worked in the recruiting industry for 25 years; the last 15 as the founder of 2 successful firms. He’s walked in your shoes and sat in your seat.

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We Help Your Recruiting Business Grow in Several Ways


Recruiting Firm Coaching + Advice + Guidance + Mentoring + Training

Our proven approach gives you access to specific processes the top 3% of recruiting firms know that the others don’t. These industry best-practices are customized to personally fit you and your unique situation.

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The Scaling Recruiting Firm

What does it mean to scale your recruiting firm? Most owners and leaders of recruitment firms mistakenly believe that scaling is primarily a matter of adding more recruiters.

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Online Course

Moving From Contingency to Retained

Stop wasting your hard work! Discover how to break the “commodity recruiter barrier” to become a “Trusted Advisor Recruiting Partner.”

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The Client Rich Recruiting Firm

A common belief is that recruiting industry success starts with the number of job orders you bring in. This is not true.

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The Candidate Rich Recruiting Firm

There are two essential elements to the recruiting business: Job orders and Candidates. The main reason that recruiting firms exist is to fill job orders with candidates more effectively than their clients can themselves.

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The Hiring Recruiting Firm

Most recruiting firm owners and leaders don't want to be the only recruiter in their firms. Some of the reason you may want to expand your staff includes being limited to what you alone can do and feeling overwhelmed and need help.

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The Productive Recruiting Firm

Most recruiting firms operate well below their productive capacity. This can easily cost your firm $200,000 + per year/ recruiter in lost revenue!

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The Well Trained Recruiting Firm

Most recruiting firm owners and leaders know that the quality of the training they provide directly impacts their people’s results.

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Retained Search vs. Contingency Search

The Retained Recruiting Firm

We help your recruiting firm move from contingency to retained search by implementing a proven process that consistently works.

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The Early Stage Recruiting Firm

Every day, new recruiting firms startup around the world. However, they end up falling into one of three categories.

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TRC Mastermind Groups

The ONLY peer advisory groups exclusively for recruiting firm owners.

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The Right

Processes +

The Right

Technology +

The Right

People =

Recruiting Firm Success.

The Recruiter’s Coach’s mission is to mentor and give guidance to owners and leaders of recruiting firms in making more money with less stress by addressing all the factors of success (processes, technology and people).ā€Æ No more neglecting one area at the expense of the others.

Learn more about Coaching + Advisory  


Christopher Nace

CEO of Nace Partners

I’m Chris Nace and I am the founder and CEO of Nace Partners. I have been working with Brad for about six months to help define some of the pressing issues around challenges that we have as a company and within recruiting in general. And coming up with creative ways to address those problems and look at them through different lenses. 

Nicole Magaddino

President of Propel Recruitment

I’m Nicole Magaddino and I am the founder, President of Propel Recruitment out here in the San Francisco Bay area. Brad and I have been working together for a little over a year. He is my coach and advisor business owner to business owner in the recruitment field.

Click ToĀ ViewĀ Video Testimonials Ā 

Recruiting Firm Jet Fuel

The 2 Keys To Recruiting Industry Business Development

Sep 03, 2024

How To Set Up Your Environment For Optimal Productivity

Apr 24, 2024

The 5 Key Mindsets of The Most Productive Recruiters

Apr 17, 2024

Managing The Ups and Downs of The Recruiting Business

Apr 02, 2024

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